THE RCCG has released the November 2019 fasting and prayer points guide for all days ahead of the Holy Ghost convention billed for December.
According to the RCCG, the 2019 30 days prayer and fasting will run from 1st of November to November 30th.
Prayer Points Altar learned that the normal fast will last for 30 days while the dry is for 10 days according to the Directorate of Prayer, RCCG.
What Is Holy Ghost Congress Theme 2019? When Is RCCG Holy Ghost Congress Starting?
It is Glory Ahead and will run from the 2nd – 7th December 2019
TEXT: Psalms 126:1-6
RCCG November 2019 Prayer Points Guide
A statement by the RCCG ahead of the fasting and prayer for November 2019 revealed that story precedes glory. It further noted that captivity is full of stories why deliverance is His glory personified.
The statement quoted a Bible passage in Psalm 126:1-6, saying every great turn around is like a dream. as recorded in the above passage, it will be the same testimony for all of us as we saw in waiting on the Lord for another season of encounter with the almighty in the Holy Ghost congress.
“God is about to release great blessings through our father in-the-Lord, Pastor E.A Adeboye, that will cause great turn-around. Indeed, God is about to do a new thing,” the RCCG said about the November 2019 fasting and prayer.
November 2019 RCCG Fasting Prayer Points Guide Day 2 Saturday 2nd
Below, is the prayer point guide for Day 2, Saturday, for the RCCG 2019 November fasting:
DAY 2:
TEXT: Psalms 105
Thanksgiving is the art of giving thanks to God through the demonstration or show of appreciation for all He has done for us. Psalms 101, Chronicles 16:8. It is good to give thanks unto the Lord Psalms 92:1 As Hannah expresses her appreciation to God in 1Samuel 2:1– 10.
1. Let us thank God for being on our side and our strength in RCCG since the beginning of this year 2019.
2. Worship God who has been keeping His Pastors and Ministers.
3. Let us thank God for His mercy that he has made available in sustaining us. Lamentation. 3:22-23
4. Thank God for not allowing the enemy to succeed over the church.
5. Let us thank God for not allowing a perpetual civil war to exist in the Nation where you are.
6. Thank God for what He has done for you and every individual in RCCG. Globally. Psalms 138
7. Let us bless the name of our Lord Jesus Christ for the growth of Christianity in the Nations where Christianity had not been allowed before.
8. Father, we thank you for the early revival of the church, which brings about explosive church growth, in Jesus name.
9. Father, we thank you for the expansion and growth of RCCG all over the world, in Jesus name.
10. Father, we thank you for the salvation of thousands of souls who were on their way to hell, but you have helped them to make a U-turn to heaven, using your church as an instrument of salvation. Mathew 16:18
11. Father, we thank you for making several inroads to several formally un-reached nations with the gospel in Jesus name.
12. Father, we thank you for all your missionaries who left their families and countries to dangerous parts of the world to preach boldly the message of salvation to perishing souls in Jesus name. Mathew 28:19-20,4:19
13. Father, we thank you for urgent interventions that you are making to deliver your missionaries in times of persecution and perils in Jesus name.
14. Bless the name of the Lord, for His mercies over the life of every member of RCCG globally.
15. Thank God for fulfilling His covenants made with our founder in our lives and in all our churches.
RCCG November Fasting 2019 Prayer Points Day 3
Below are the prayer points for the RCCG fasting for November 2019 Day 3 which is in thanksgiving to God for Daddy G.O and Mummy G.O:
TEXT: Psalms 136:1
1. Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me. Bless His Holy Name. Psalms 103: 1
2. Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
3. Let us bless the name of the Lord. Truly; it has been of the LORD’S mercies that we were not consumed because his compassions that has not failed us. Lam 3:22 Psa 34:1
4. Thank God for Daddy and Mummy G.O for the Lord’s mercies over them Exod. 33:19.
5. Thank God for calling and backing up Daddy and Mummy G.O in this Great Commission.
6. Let us thank God for His mercy on the family of Daddy G.O
7. Let us thank God for divine health in the family of Daddy G.O
8. Let us bless the name of the Lord for His Hands of supports for Daddy G.O in the Mission generally.
9. We thank you for anointing daddy G.O so powerfully and making him a blessing to this generation, in Jesus name.
10. Father, we thank you for our mother in Israel- Pastor. Mrs Folu Adeboye, for the support she is giving to the ministry of your Son, in Jesus name.
11. Let us appreciate God for all the AGOs, the governing council, SATGOs, and all those that are working with our father in the Lord, the General Overseer.
12. Appreciate God for all the souls won to the Kingdom through the Holy Spirit in all the outreaches where Daddy G.O had ministered this year.
13. Let us thank God for all the Pastors, ministers and workers in RCCG.
14. Thank God for pastors, ministers and workers in RCCG whose hearts are committed to the expansion of God’s kingdom activities
15. Let us appreciate God for the release of the Holy Spirit to our pastors, ministers and workers in RCCG.
RCCG Fasting: November 2019 Prayer Points Guide Day 4 Monday
Below are the prayer points for the RCCG November 2019 fasting ahead of the Holy Ghost Convention:
TEXT: Psalms 124
1. Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me. Bless His Holy Name. Psa 103: 1
2. Father; I thank You for giving me dominion over all the works of Your hands in Jesus name Gen. 1:26.
3. Father; I thank you for saving my soul by your mercy, in Jesus name Lamentations 3:22.
4. Father; I thank You for the gift of salvation for mankind among whom I am one, in Jesus name. John 3:16-18.
5. Father; I thank You for renewing Your mercies every morning over my life, in Jesus name. Lamentation 3:22.
6. Father; I thank You for the power to sleep and to wake up every day, in Jesus name. Psalms 3:5
7. Father; I thank you for keeping every member of my family alive in Jesus name. Eccl 9:4
8. Father, I thank you for divine protection, visitation and provision, in Jesus name. Gen 47:12, Job 10:12
9. . Father, I thank you for divine healing, in Jesus name. Job 10:12
10. Father; I thank you for delivering me from the hands of devourers in Jesus name. Mal 3:11
11. Father; I thank you for always giving me and my family journey mercies, in Jesus name. Psa 121: 8
TEXT: Psalms 103:1-5, 2Chromicles 7:14, Psalms 51, Hab 3:2
- Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me. Bless His Holy name. Psa 103: 1
- Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
- Let us bless the name of the Lord. Truly; it has been of the LORD’S mercies that we were not consumed, because his compassions has not failed us. Lam 3:22, Psa 34:1
- If you know, you are not saved, and you need salvation, pray sincerely from your heart as follows “Lord Jesus, for too long I’ve kept you out of my life. I know that I am a sinner and that I cannot save myself. By faith I gratefully receive your gift of salvation. Thank you Lord Jesus, for coming to earth. I believe you are the Son of God who died on the cross for my sins and rose from the dead on the third day. Thank you for bearing my sins and giving me the gift of eternal life. I believe your words are true. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus, and be my Saviour. I accept you Lord Jesus as my lord and saviour. Amen. John 3:16
- Father; I confess and forsake my sin, please, Lord let me obtain mercy and forgiveness in Jesus name. Prov 28:13
- Father; with you there is forgiveness, forgive me Oh Lord the sins of my father’s house in Jesus name. Psa 130:4
- Father; at every instance I have lost your mercy, please Lord, forgive me and restore your mercy back into my life, in Jesus name.
- Father; hear the voice of my plea for your mercy, in Jesus name. Psa 28:2
- Father; let your goodness and mercies follow me all the days of my life in Jesus name. Psa 23:6
- Father; because you are the God of love and righteousness, forgive us our iniquities and show your people mercy in Jesus name.
- Father; we ask for your mercies over every error we have committed in your church and our gatherings in Jesus name.
- My father; My God let mercy speak for me where I have lost hope, in Jesus name.
- Father; whenever helpers gather to discuss my case, Lord; let your mercy raise a voice in my favour in Jesus name.
- Lord, let your mercy continue to uphold and sustain the Redeemed Christian Church of God in Jesus name.
- Father; by your mercy and grace keep your Church RCCG aligned to the covenant terms You have with her. Keep your church alive and active till your coming. Luk. 18:8
TEXT: Isa 1:19, 1Sa 15:22 -23
- Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me. Bless His Holy name. Psa 103: 1
- Let us bless the name of the Lord. Truly; it has been of the LORD’S mercies that we were not consumed, because his compassions* has not failed us. Lam 3:22 Psa 34:1
- Let us thank God for the willingness of Jesus to die for our sins. Phi 2:5-8, John 3:16
- Father; thank you because you show us the way of complete obedience. Phi 2:8
- Father; forgive me for all my past acts of disobedience in Jesus name
- Father; help me to obey you in every thing completely in Jesus name John 14:15
- Father; we are not of this world system but have a heavenly inheritance reserved for us in heaven, and so we resist the forces of temptation compelling us to be conformed into the pattern of this world and squeezed into its mould in Jesus name. 2Tim 2:4,
- Father, help us to obey you completely in our parental duties and responsibilities in raising a godly offspring in Jesus name. Psa 127, Prov 19:18
- Father. We pray that our youths will be possessed with spirit of diligence in the pursuit of ministry and their academic affairs in Jesus name. Prov 11:27, Prov 12:24
- Father; deliver me from lukewarm attitude to the things of your kingdom in Jesus name. Rev 3:16
- Father Increase us day by day to be transformed into the image and likeness of the Lord Jesus Christ. Rom 12:1-2
- Father; as I search through the scripture, give me grace and more understanding to abide in your will for my life in Jesus name. Psa 119:1-15
- Father; give me a committed heart to advance your kingdom here on earth through submission to my leaders as they submit themselves to You in Jesus name. John 15:16, Mark 16:15
TEXT: Isa 60:1-2
- Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me. Bless His Holy name. Psa 103: 1
- Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
- Let us bless the name of the Lord. Truly; it has been of the LORD’S mercies that we were not consumed, because his compassions* has not failed us. Lam 3:22 Psa 34:1
- Let us appreciate God, because we have a God that can arise, He can arise to fight our battles and restore the lost glories of our lives, families, churches, business.
- Arise Oh Lord and let your glory be seen on us in Jesus name. Psa 60:1
- Arise Oh Lord and let every darkness in, out and around our churches, families, ministries, fade away in Jesus name. Psa 60:2
- Oh God arise and let all the enemies of your church be scattered. Psa 68:1
- God Arise and let there be more harvest of soul in our churches henceforth in the name of Jesus. Isa 60:3
- Father; arise and break all the strongholds against evangelism in nations that are not allowing your gospel in their lands, in Jesus name.
- Father, arise against those sponsoring terrorism and their supporters; destroy the sources of their incomes in Jesus name.
- Father, the blood of the innocent is crying for vengeance, arise and bring an end to the plaques on the land as a result of these evil acts in Jesus name.
- Father; arise and let thy enemies troubling the peace of our nations be troubled in Jesus name. Psa 68:1
- Lord; arise and save our children, recover their hearts from being possessed by the spirit of worldliness in Jesus name. 1 Joh 2:15
- Oh God arise and uproot anything You did not plant inside Redeemed Christian Church of God in Jesus name. Matt 13:15, 15:13
- Father; arise and restore my Country to your original master plan in Jesus name.
TEXT: Lamentation 3:27
Youth is the time of life when one is young. A time between childhood and adulthood and the glory of young man is their strength. Pro 20:29
- Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me. Bless His Holy name. Psa 103: 1
- Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
- Thank God for His goodness and mercy over your life and family members,
- Father, God, thank you for your unfailing love, blessings and goodness upon our youth Psa1031-5
- Father, please increase the faith of all our youths in you , in Jesus name. Luk 17:5
- Father, please guide and protect our young people from the path of destruction and deliver them from the spirit of worldliness, in Jesus name. Psa 32:8
- Father, please every battle acquired from birth that is affecting our youths, be destroyed, in Jesus name. John 9:1-9,
- Father, please endued all our youths with power from on high Luk 2 4:49
- Father, please as David defeated Goliath in his days, let all our youths defeat every Goliath assigned against them 1 Sam 17
- Father, please satisfy the youths with every good things of life Psa 103:5
- Father, please destroy every spirit of weariness and tiredness in the life of our youths. Isa 40:30
- Father, please, release your divine strength upon our youths, in Jesus name.
- Father, please help our youths to obey and work for you at this their tender age in Jesus name. Lam 3:27
- Father, please make our youths relevant in their generation, in Jesus name. Psam71:7
- Father, please deliver all our youths from the hand of the wicked, the unrighteous and cruel men of this world in Jesus name. Psa 71:4
Prayer for Church growth and 3×3 Auditorium
TEXT: Matthew 28:19-20; Mat 4:19, Luk 10:2
Therefore said he unto them, the harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest.
- Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me. Bless His Holy name. Psa 103: 1
- Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
- Let us bless the name of the Lord. Truly; it has been of the LORD’S mercies that we were not consumed, because his compassions has not failed us. Lam 3:22 Psa 34:1
- Father; we thank you that RCCG is set to experience an all round turn around miracles through the forth coming Holy Ghost Congress in the name of Jesus.
- Father; we thank you for taking RCCG from 44 parishes in Nigeria to over 200 countries all over the world in Jesus name.
- Father; every ungodly power that has penetrated to the position of authority in the church expose and expel them, in Jesus name. 2Cor 6:15
- Father; sow into our churches, ideas, knowledge, strategies, wisdom we need to experience a great turn around in Jesus name.
- Father; expose all forms of rebellion in your church hindering church growth in Jesus name.
- Father; raise end time ministers that will fulfill your mandate for church growth and a great turn around in Jesus name
- Father; expose every Jezebel spirits in your church working against the growth of the church, in Jesus name. Rev 2:20
- Father; call out and empower Nehemiahs of our time to build your church in Jesus name. Neh 2:20
- Father; give your church the heart of fervent and persistent prayer in Jesus name. 1 Thes 5:17
- Every power working against the finance of the church to limit growth and the completion of the 3 X 3 Auditorium project be frustrated in Jesus name.
- Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me. Bless His Holy name. Psa 103: 1
- Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
- Let us bless the name of the Lord. Truly; it has been of the LORD’S mercies that we were not consumed, because his compassions* has not failed us. Lam 3:22 Psa 34:1
- Father; we thank you for your beloved son, Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye; we thank you for your call upon his life in Jesus name.
- Father; please, let Pastor E. A Adeboye and Pastor (Mrs.) Folu Adeboye finish well and strong in Jesus name
- Father; please continue to strengthen the G.O and empower him for the task ahead in Jesus name.
- Father; never let any of the words of daddy G.O fall to the ground in Jesus name, 1 Sam 3:19
- Father, please, do not allow separation between you and your son, jealously guide your relationship with him in Jesus name
- Father, please continue to strengthen him and empower him for the task ahead and for greater works in Jesus name. John 14:12
- Thank God for the lives of all our leaders in RCCG at all levels in all Nations.
- Let us thank God for the wisdom the Lord has granted our leaders in the running of the Church worldwide.
- Ask God to be merciful unto us and our leaders in any area that we have fallen short of His glory Proverbs 28:13
- Father, let our Church Leaders always be examples of wisdom, victory and power of God. Grant them victory and power to speak God’s word with boldness.
- Father; let your counsel of health and healings concerning our Church leaders be established in their lives and family. John11:4
- Father; take away premature death, sickness, diseases, infirmities away from them and from all your ministers and church workers in Jesus name. Deu 7:15, Exo 23:25,
TEXT: 1Corithians 3:9
- Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me. Bless His Holy name. Psa 103: 1
- Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
- Let us bless the name of the Lord. Truly; it has been of the LORD’S mercies that we were not consumed, because his compassions* has not failed us. Lam 3:22 Psa 34:1
- Father; we thank you for the exemplary lives of our ministers and church workers in Jesus name.
- Lord, give your ministers the three(3 )fold Spirit of Power, Love and of a sound mind in the process of serving you , in Jesus name, 2 Tim 1:7
- Father, let every ungodly power sitting in the position of authority in your church be exposed, disgraced and be expel, in Jesus name, Psa 64:9, Psa 67:7, Psa 89:7, Prov 2:5
- Father let every satanic altars erected against your church and ministers be demolished by the power of the Holy Spirit in Jesus name. 1king 13:5
- Father; let the lives of your ministers and workers receive more grace to be a living sacrifice unto you forever, Rom 12:1
- Father; release everything your ministers and church workers need to succeed in their assignment in Jesus name.
- Father; take away sickness, diseases and infirmities from your ministers and church workers in Jesus name.
- Father; please, let your words “your Minister flame of fire”, come to reality and be more evident in our time in Jesus name, Heb 1:7
- Father; empower your ministers by the Holy Spirit so that they can run away from carnality, overcome temptations in the discharge of their duties and responsibilities in Jesus name.
- Father arise, encourage and heal wounds all the discouraged, cheated, forgotten, wounded and restore backsliding Ministers and church workers to continue the race in Jesus name, 1Sam 30:1-18
TEXT: Exo 16: 10, 13:21, 1Cor 10:1
- Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me. Bless His Holy name. Psa 103: 1
- Oh Lord we cry; Holy, Holy, Holy, is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of your glory. Isaiah 6:3
- Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
- Let us bless the name of the Lord. Truly; it has been of the LORD’S mercies that we were not consumed, because his compassions* has not failed us. Lam 3:22 Psa 34:1
- Let us thank the Almighty God for His glory and divine visitation upon our life and family.
- Father; I thank you for that visitation that brings your salvation to my life. Luk 19:9
- Father, I thank you for your ever-abiding presence and glory I enjoyed in all my ways in Jesus name. Matt 28:20
- Those that wait on God shall never be ashamed; Isa 49:23b Pray for the grace to remain in Christ no matter the challenges in Jesus name
- Father Remember all your promises for our lives and bring them to fulfillment in Jesus name
- Gen 45:13, Father your grace sustained Joseph in Egypt, let your grace sustain us in this difficulty end time in Jesus name.
- Father Lord, Just like you did on Mt. Sinai, Exo 24:16-17, let your glory be seen and available in all our churches in Jesus name.
- Father Lord, let your glory like fire manifest in all our churches and lives in Jesus name. Exo 24:17
- Father, release unto us the power to do all that requires enjoying your glory all the days of our lives in Jesus name. 2 Chronicles 7:1-2
- Father declare your glory among us and your wonders be seen in our lives. Psalms 96:3
- Father Lord, let your glory that brings dominion and great turn around be available and seen on the Redeemed Christian Church of God in Jesus name. 1Petet 5:11
TEXT: Mathew. 16:19, 18:18-20
- Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me. Bless His Holy name. Psa 103: 1
- Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
- Let us bless the name of the Lord. Truly; it has been of the LORD’S mercies that we were not consumed, because his compassions* has not failed us. Lam 3:22 Psa 34:1
- Father we thank you for instituting the ministry of prayers and teaching us how to pray. Luk 11:1
- We thank you for answering our prayers whenever we call upon you. Joh 14:13-14
- Father; help us to remove all idols to living righteously and make us to be clean always in the name of Jesus.
- Father Lord, let the gift of the spirit be made manifest in the body of Christ in the name of Jesus. 1 Tim. 4:14.
- Oh Lord, release unto your church the spirit of prayers like the days of old, with genuine love and sustainability to stand in the gap for others.
- Father Lord, we ask for the power to pray and pray through in Jesus name. Luk 18:1
- Father; we come against all lukewarm spirit and prayerlessness in our churches in Jesus name. Rev 3:16
- Father; as heaven bound Christians in the ministry, teach us to hate all you hate in Jesus name. Prov. 6:16.
- Father; in the prayer ministry please teach us the virtue of faith and complete surrender to you in Jesus name. Heb. 11:6.
- Our Father in heaven, plant in us a spirit of obedience like the Rechabites so as to be your peculiar treasure Ex 19:5, Jer. 35:1-8.
- Father Lord, help the Pastors and leaders to keep watch over themselves and all the flocks the Lord have committed into their hands in prayers and supplications in Jesus name. Acts 20:28
- Father according to your word, answer all our prayers speedily. John 14:14, Mark 11:24
TEXT: Luke 5:17, Psalms 91:1-16, Psalms 24:1-2, Mat 14:14
- Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me. Bless His Holy name. Psa 103: 1
- Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
- Let us bless the name of the Lord. Truly; it has been of the LORD’S mercies that we were not consumed, because his compassions has not failed us. Lam 3:22 Psa 34:1
- Let us thank God for all the past annual Holy Ghost Congress Psalms 127:1-3
- Father we thank you for the success and the glory revealed in the past annual Holy Ghost Congresses.
- We thank you Lord for the anointing released upon Daddy G.O and all other officiating ministers
- Father we thank you for the unprecedented number of souls won during the past annual Holy Ghost Congresses.
- Let us thank God for all the unusual miracles He did in the past and that which He is going to do this time around Deut. 11:3; John.6:2
- Pray for forgiveness of all our sins that may hinder the move of God in this year Holy Ghost Congress Psalms 79:9
- Pray for provisions and divine supply of all need for the annual Holy Ghost Congress in abundance in Jesus name Phil 4:19
- Let us ask God to deliver every captive of the mighty in this year annual Holy Ghost Congress. Isa.49:24-26.
- Let us pray for GREAT TURN AROUND of His people and our Nations in this year annual Holy Ghost Congress Psalms.126:1-6.
- Father during, before and after this year Holy Ghost Congress please grant us journey mercies, Psalms 121:1-8
- Let us Decree against every powers, principalities and blood sucking demons causing accident and delay on our roads before, during and after this year Holy Ghost Congress (LET US PRAY SO MUCH IN THE SPIRIT HERE)
- Oh Lord, we pray for GREAT TESTIMONIES of miracles, wonders, healings, souls and deliverance in this year congress in Jesus name. Psalms 77:2 , Exodus 15:11, Deut. 6:22, Psalms 96:3
- Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me. Bless His Holy name. Psa 103: 1
- Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
- Let us bless the name of the Lord. Truly; it has been of the LORD’S mercies that we were not consumed, because his compassions* has not failed us. Lam 3:22 Psa 34:1
- Lord please have mercy and forgive me all the sins I have committed or inherited, that is working against my turn around in Jesus name.
- Let us thank the Lord for this pleasant and unusual theme for this year Holy Ghost congress.
- Let us thank God for the Lord will visit us GREATLY in all ways this year and the new coming years ahead in Jesus name.
- Father; you are the God of all nations, rise and turn around for good *economy of my country (put your country here) Isa 52:10, Acts 17:26, Daniel 2:37
- Father; arise and turn the captivity of your church to pleasant testimonies in Jesus name.
- Father; I will never miss my expected turn around this year and the new year in Jesus name.
- Lord; do great and wonderful things for your church, our families, your ministers, our youths, our nation, our economy, our career, our business e.t.c in Jesus name. Psalms 126:2
- Oh Lord, arise and turn all my captivities around in Jesus name. Psalms 126:3
- Everything I have sowed in tears, surely, I will reap in/with joy all the days of my life in Jesus name. Psalms 126:3
- Lord let the expectations of the enemies over my life be disappointed, in Jesus name. Job 5:12
- Let the power to shine be released upon me now, in the name of Jesus. Job 22:28, Isaiah 60:1-2, Mathew 5:6
- God arise and let every power working against my elevation, deliverance, be destroyed in the name of Jesus. Zec 1:21
- Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me. Bless His Holy name. Psa 103: 1
- Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
- Let us bless the name of the Lord. Truly; it has been of the LORD’S mercies that we were not consumed, because his compassions* has not failed us. Lam 3:22 Psa 34:1
- Father, we thank you for the relative peace in (Put your country).
- Father, let your peace that passeth all understanding reign in (Put your country) in Jesus’ name. Philippians 4:7
- Father in all the ways, we have contributed to the evil happenings in this nation, please forgive us in Jesus’ name. Jeremiah 4:2
- Lord Jesus, please destroy by your power all the works of evil (Put your country) in Jesus’ name. 1 John 3:8
- Father; disappoint the devices of all the crafty ones in this nation so that their hand will not be able to perform their wicked enterprise in Jesus name. Job 5:12
- Father; release confusion into the camp of the enemies of my nation in Jesus’ name. Genesis. 11:1-9
- Father; let every association of the wicked against this year Holy Ghost Congress be broken in pieces in Jesus’ name. Isaiah 8:8-10
- Father; in Nigeria, and in some other Nations, break the jaw and the arms of all kidnappers and ritualist in Jesus’ name. Psalms 10:15, Job 29:17
- Heavenly Father; please let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end in my nation in Jesus’ name. Psalms 7:9
- Oh God; let the triumphing of the evil ones in my nation come to an end in Jesus’ name. Job 27:17
- Lord of Host let every god that did not create heaven and earth in (Put your country) Perish in Jesus’ name.
TEXT: 1 Timothy 2:1-3.
For us to achieve good governance in our nation (Put your country), we need to cry to God to divinely intervene in our government. Isaiah 9:6-7, 1 Timothy 2:1-3.
- Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me. Bless His Holy name. Psa 103: 1
- Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
- Let us bless the name of the Lord. Truly; it has been of the LORD’S mercies that we were not consumed, because his compassions* has not failed us. Lam 3:22 Psa 34:1
- Father, we thank you for the government of our country (Put your country)
- We confess and repent of all the sins of (Put your country) and leaders. 2 Chronicles 7:14
- Father; clothe our leaders in my nation with your fear and wisdom in Jesus’ name. Proverbs 15:33, 9:10
- Father; deliver all our leaders from every form of deafness and blindness in Jesus’ name. Matthew 15:14
- Father; please uproot every plant you have not planted in (Put your country) in Jesus’ name. Matthew 15:13
- Father; introduce yourself to our leaders as the one that rules in the affairs of men and let them bow before you as Nebuchadnezzar did in Jesus’ name. Daniel 4:36-37
- Oh Lord; let your will be done in (Put your country) as it is in heaven. Matthew 6:10
- Almighty God; please do something in my nation (Put your country) that will cause men to believe that you, the Most High, rule in the kingdom of men in Jesus’ name. Daniel 4:17
- Oh God; turn the hearts of our rulers to do only your will in our Nations in Jesus’ name. Proverbs 21:1
- Father, deliver our leaders from committing abominable acts so that (Put your country) will be established in righteousness. Proverbs 16:12
- We declare that Jesus is Lord over (Put your country) in Jesus’ name.
- Father, raise Godly leaders like David, Samuel, Joseph and Daniel for us in (Put your country) to manage our resources and revive our economy in Jesus’ name.
At the beginning of the year, God gave us Prophesies for International, the church and individuals by our Father in the Lord the General Overseer Pastor E. A. Adeboye. The prophecies are being fulfilled.
- Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me. Bless His Holy name. Psa 103: 1
- Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
- Let us bless the name of the Lord. Truly; it has been of the LORD’S mercies that we were not consumed, because his compassions *has not failed us. Lam 3:22 Psa 34:1
- Let us thank God for the spirit of true prophesies in the RCCG mission. Duet 18:18
- Let us thank God that we are not in a famine season of visions and prophesies. 1 Sam 3:1
- Let us thank God that we were able to see the glory ahead through visions and prophesy. Heb 12:2
- Let us thank God for many of us who have positioned ourselves to receive the glory we saw ahead. Heb 12:2
- Father; Grant that, as many who are still standing on their tower in watching, will inherit the promised glory in this year Holy ghost congress. Hab 2:1
- Father; grant that your mercies and faithfulness over our lives will be continually renewed every morning throughout the year and beyond: Lam 3:23
- Pray that; the mercies of the Lord will carry you throughout this year and years to come unto eternity. Lam 3:23
- The fear of God, attract mercy of God and make us a delht of God ; Pray for the grace to walk in the fear of the Lord in order to enjoy His mercies continually Psa 147:11
- Deliverance Prayer: Part of the words of prophesy says “And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the LORD hath said. Pray that God will send deliverance by mercy to all those in any form of captivity who are calling unto Him. Acts 2:21
- Nigeria and many other nations of the world are under the burdens of political and economic challenges resulting into hardship for the citizens. Father let your Kingdom come and your will be done in our nation. Matt 6:10
- Father; establish your kingdom in our nation. Let the righteousness rule for peace and prosperity to reign in our nation. Pro 29:2
- Father bring every good prophesy concerning RCCG come to pass and in good time Lord.
- Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me. Bless His Holy name. Psa 103: 1
- Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
- Let us bless the name of the Lord. Truly; it has been of the LORD’S mercies that we were not consumed, because his compassions has not failed us. Lam 3:22 Psa 34:1
- Father; thank you for the provision you made for me to be rich through the grace and provisions of our Lord Jesus in redemption, 2 Corinthians 8:9
- Father, please prosper all who will come for the Holy Ghost Congress to seek you in Jesus’ name. 2 chronicle 26:5.
- Father, bless the work of our hands and deliver us from poverty in Jesus’ name. Isaiah 65:22
- Father, please during this congress, let everyone of us receive the power to make wealth in Jesus’ name. Deuteronomy 8:18
- Father, deliver your children from the sleep that will lead us to poverty in Jesus’ name. Proverbs 20:13
- Father, please deliver your children from evil doings that will transfer our wealth to strangers in Jesus’ name. Proverbs 5:10
- Father, give us the grace to till our land and have plenty of bread in Jesus’ name. Proverbs 28:19
- Father, I acknowledge all my sins against you, please forgive me, for he that covereth his sin shall not prosper. Proverbs 28:13
- Father, as I seek your kingdom and its righteousness, please let all my needs be met in Jesus’ name. Matthew 6:33
- According to Psalms 1:3, we trust and put our hopes in you, cause us to be like a tree planted by the rivers of waters that will lack nothing in Jesus’ name.
- Father, supply all our needs according to your riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19
- As we seek you Lord in this Holy Ghost Congress, let lack be a thing of the past in our lives in Jesus’ name. Psalms 34:10
TEXT: Psalms 91
- Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me. Bless His Holy name. Psa 103: 1
- Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
- Let us bless the name of the Lord. Truly; it has been of the LORD’S mercies that we were not consumed, because his compassions *has not failed us. Lam 3:22 Psa 34:1
- The horse is prepared against the day of battle; but safety is of the Lord. Proverbs 21:31, Psalms 91:1-16, Psalms 121
- Father; thank you for your usual protection over your children. Deuteronomy 31:6
- Father, as your people travel for the Holy Ghost Congress, let your presence go with them in Jesus’ name. Exodus 33:14-15
- As they travel along the way, cause their enemies to be as still as stones in Jesus’ name. Exodus 15:16
- Father; guide and lead your people beside the still waters in Jesus’ name. Psalms 23:2
- As many as will be coming for the Holy Ghost Congress, Father protect their coming and going, protect their homes and family from every danger in Jesus’ name. Psalms 121:7, Psalms 121:8
- Father, please command your guiding angels to take care of all your children and their families as they come for the Holy Ghost Congress in Jesus’ name. Psalms 91:11
- Father, let anyone who plan to attack your children fall in Jesus’ name. Isaiah 54:15
- Father, throughout the period of Holy Ghost Congress and beyond, be with your children to protect them in Jesus’ name. Jeremiah 1:8
- Father by your grace and mercy, there shall be no loss during the congress in Jesus’ name. Luke 21:18
- Father, be around your people throughout the year and beyond in Jesus’ name. Psalms 125:2
- Oh God, please lead and guide your people with your pillar of cloud in the day and fire in the night in Jesus’ name. Exodus 13:21-22
TEXT: Psalms 133:1-3
- Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me. Bless His Holy name. Psa 103: 1
- Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
- Let us bless the name of the Lord. Truly; it has been of the LORD’S mercies that we were not consumed, because his compassions has not failed us. Lam 3:22 Psa 34:1
- Father; we thank you for your love and faithfulness towards your church.
- Father; we repent of all our sins of strife, enmity, un-forgiveness, bitterness, resentment please father have mercy on your church in Jesus name.
- Father; release your warring angel to break down every denominational wall dividing the body of Christ in Jesus name.
- Father paralyze every demon of disunity in your church in Jesus name
- Father every gate of disunity and walls of partition militating against your church, let them collapse in Jesus name
- Father by your mercy destroy the stronghold of disunity and divisions in the body of Christ in Jesus name
- Lord; let all political gang up in nations against your church be frustrated in Jesus name.
- Every anti-gospel law, regulations, policies, and agenda against your church, be disgraced like the days of Daniel in Jesus name.
- Father; restore your church to the days of the early disciples Acts 2:42-47
- Holy Spirit, move to fulfill the expectation of Jesus in His last prayer for the unity of the church. John 17:11,22
Text: Isa 1:9
Disaster of any kind leaves so much devastation, death, losses of valuables, fears, wounds and trauma. It takes grace of God for the survivals to get back to their feet in life.
- Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me. Bless His Holy name. Psa 103: 1
- Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
- Thank God for His goodness and mercy over your life and family members,
- Father; we thank you because; it is by your mercy that we have not been consumed. Lam 3:22
- Thank God for the survivals of disasters and the good hands of the Lord in restricting the wicked in their destructive plans.
- Father; remember all those who were living victim of disasters, comfort them and heal their wounds Psa 107:20
- Father; give them the grace to stand in the face of their challenges and restore them of all they have lost, in Jesus name
- Father: send help to them from above and heal their wounds. Psa 121:1
- Father: Give victims of terrorism, kidnapping, armed robbery and other man to man inflicted disaster a forgiving heart. Matt 6:12
- O Lord Have mercy on us where we have contributed to evil occurrence in our nation through our sins and the works of our hands in Jesus name. Eccl. 9:11
- Arise, O Lord, lead us the way out of trouble and show us the path of peace Matt 6:13
- Father, be merciful unto us and lift us out of the horrible pits and miry clays. Establish our going in life forever. Psa. 40:2
- Father, build your protection around our family, and nation, deliver us from evil intrusion. Ps 125:1
- Put a new song in the mouth of your children, O Lord. Psa40:3
- Let many praise you because of what you are doing in our lives, O Lord Psa. 76:3-5
TEXT: Jeremiah 17:14, Exodus 15:26
It is not the will of God for any of His children to be sick. 3 John 1:2; it is sin that brought sickness into this world; let us repent and cry unto God for healing.
- Thank God for His healing power that is available for His children in Jesus’ name. Psalms 103:3
- Let us repent and ask God for mercy for all the sins we committed that must have brought these sicknesses and diseases upon us James 5:14-15
- Father, by your mercy, please take away from me every inherited sickness and disease in Jesus’ name. Exodus 15:26
- Father; take away the heart of stones and give us heart of obedience to your command so that strange diseases will flee from our tabernacles Exodus 15:26
- Father, please destroy every yoke of sickness and disease in my life in Jesus’ name. Isaiah 10:27
- Father; please by your mercy, destroy the yoke and stop the plague of cancer and other terminal diseases that are raging in our days
- Father, please bring back good health to all your sick children during these year’s congress in Jesus’ name. Jeremiah 30:17
- Father by power of your mighty hand; deliver all your children from the spirit of infirmity during this year’s congress in Jesus’ name. Luke 13:11-12, John 5:1-9
- Father, please in your mercy, give us our daily bread in Jesus’ name. Matthew 15:26
- Almighty God, during this year’s Holy Ghost Congress, as many that are lost and have strayed away, as they return to you, please heal and strengthen them in Jesus’ name. Ezekiel 34:16
- Oh God, during this Holy Ghost Congress, heal all your children and save them in Jesus’ name. Jeremiah 17:14
- Let every evil plantation of disease in the lives of the children of God be rooted out in Jesus’ name. Matthew 15:13
- Father, let every germ, virus, bacteria, cancerous cells, poison, working against the health of your children be neutralized by the power in the blood of Jesus. Revelation 12:11
- Father, in the mighty name of Jesus, I declare that by the stripes of our Lord Jesus Christ, let all the sick be healed
TEXT: 3John 1:2
It is never the will of God for any of His children to be sick,. It is sin that brought sickness into the world, we need to repent and turn to God in our prayers of faith to get out of the wilderness of sicknesses and disease
- Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me. Bless His Holy name. Psa 103: 1
- Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
- Thank God for His goodness and mercy over your life and family members,
- Thank God for His healing power that is available for His Children, in Jesus name. Psam103:3
- Father, please forgive all my sins knowingly or unknowingly that have brought sickness and diseases (mention the name of sickness) upon me, in Jesus name. Psa 103:3, James 5:15
- Father; by your mercy, please take away from me every inherited sickness and diseases, in Jesus name. Exo15:26
- Father; please destroy every yoke of sickness and diseases in my life in Jesus name. Isa 10:27
- Lord Jesus, by your resurrection power, I cancel every sickness and diseases unto death upon my life and my family in Jesus name. Joh11:4, Isa 28:1
- Father, please by your mighty hand of power, terminated every spirit of infirmity upon my life and my family in Jesus name. Luk 13:11-12, Joh 5:1-9
- Father, please put an end to plagues and every form of sickness and diseases reigning in my nation in Jesus name. Exo 12:13
- Father, please heal every damage done in my body as a result of sicknesses and diseases in Jesus name. Jer 17:14
- Father; arise and send your word for my healings and deliverance, dry up all the source of my sickness in Jesus name. Psa :107:20
- Father, put off every garment that will hinder healings from sickness and diseases in the life of your people during this year Holy Ghost Congress in Jesus name Mar 10:50
- Father; in the mighty name of Jesus, I declare that by your stripes I am totally healed. 1Pet2:24
- Father, please destroy every form of sickness and diseases that want to waste my destiny Isa 54:16-17
TEXT: Mat 24:7; 13
We are in a time when nation are rising against nation, troubles and killings in all nations and continents of the word. This will continue until the return of our Lord Jesus, notwithstanding, there is salvation for nation who call on God and anyone that endures.
- Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me. Bless His Holy name. Psa 103: 1
- Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
- Thank God for His goodness and mercy over your life and family members,
- Father; please raise peace loving people and nations to work against conflicts, aggressions in the world, in Jesus name.
- Father; please raise peace labourers for the soul harvest in countries where the gospel is forbidden, turn the heart of the people all over the world to accept the gospel in Jesus name.
- Father; arise and break all the strongholds against evangelism in nations that are resisting your gospel in their domain in Jesus name. Luk 8:37
- Father, let your word have it rightful place in the hearts of the world leaders that will foster global peace and unity in Jesus name. Prov 21:1.
- Oh Lord, silent violent groups all over the world by sending confusion among them to cease from war, in Jesus name. Gen 11:1-9
- Father, by your mighty power save humanity from increasing weapons of mass destruction; let there be peace movements all over our nations and continents towards the elimination of nuclear weapons in Jesus name.
- We thank you Lord, for you are the desire of nations. Come shake all nations of their evil plans and fill the whole world with your glory. Hag 2:7
- Lord Jesus, you are the Prince of peace, Kings of kings, come and reign all over the whole universe in Jesus name. Isa 9:6
- Father; break the power of idolatry and let everything that represent Dagon in our nations collapse and break to pieces in Jesus name. I sam 5:3-4
- I declare and decree, let all the idols of the nations be confounded and let their images be broken into pieces, in Jesus name. Jer 50:2
- Lord according to your word in prov 21:1 make all world leaders and decision makers to make regulation that will allow gospel in their lands, in Jesus name.
TEXT: Psalms 42:1-2
According to prophesy that came early in the year, we are all witnesses to the increasing wave of violence, kidnapping, killings, unrest and troubles in many nations. These are the pestilence and destructions involving lives of those that concern us. These are plot against the Church; let us pray them out of our nation and territories.
- Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me. Bless His Holy name. Psa 103: 1
- Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
- Thank God for His goodness and mercy over your life and family members,
- Father, we thank you for as many that were delivered from the activities of these evil men, according to your word that we will only hear of them but never a victim. Psa 91:5-7
- We cover ourselves, members, families, etc. in the blood of Jesus.
- O Lord, strive with them that strive with us, let the evil doers begging to fall into their own traps in Jesus name. Psa 35:1-6
- Father, arise against their sponsors and their backers; destroy the sources of their incomes in Jesus name.
- Father; Release the wasters to destroy the power and the networks of all violence and blood thirsty agents of darkness in our nations in Jesus name. Isa 54:16
- Father; let no weapon fashioned against any of your children to prosper in Jesus name. Isa 54:17.
- 10. Father, Arise, let their ways be slippery and let the angels of the Lord persecute them in Jesus name. Psa 35:6
- 11. Father cause us to laugh at the fall of these insurgences and terrorist groups and do not let us to be afraid of them in Jesus name. Job 5:22
- 12. Father, redeem us from deaths in famine and war, in Jesus name. Job 5:20
- 13. Father, let the captives of the mighty be set free and the let those in the camp of insurgences be delivered in Jesus name. Isa 49:25
TEXT: Genesis 6:17, Psa 46:1-3
Natural disasters are destructive events, calamities that happen by nature such as great floods, cyclones, earthquakes, fire, tsunami, landslide, plaques, etc.
- Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me. Bless His Holy name. Psa 103: 1
- Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
- Thank God for His goodness and mercy over your life and family members,
- Father, have mercy upon your people; deliver us from the increasing wave of natural disasters, in Jesus name. Psa 57:1
- Father, repent from the disaster that you spoke of, bringing to us because of our iniquities. Exo 32:14
- Father, we humble ourselves and seek your face, please hear us from heaven, heal our land and deliver us from the sorrow of natural disasters in Jesus name. 2 Chro 7:13-14
- Father; have mercy on us and forgive us for every form of idolatry in any way we have served and worship other gods in Jesus name. 2 Chro 7:22
- Father hear us and save us from impending disaster and even the ones that have already happened which has led to food crises all over Africa, in Jesus name.2 Chro 20:9
- Father; stop the way of the wicked and bring disaster upon our enemies who seek to destroy us for no cause in Jesus name. 2 Chro 34:24
- Father, give us listening ears to your instructions so that we can dwell safely and secure in our nation in Jesus name. Prov 1:33
- Father, remember your word in Jer 2:3 and bring disaster upon those killing your children in our lands in Jesus name.
- Father; deliver our nation, do not let the errors of our leaders bring disasters upon us in Jesus name. Eze 7:26
- Father in the days of Jonah, you had mercy on the people of Nineveh; please have mercy on us too in Jesus name. Jonah 3:6-10
- Father, by your mercy let there be no more disaster of any kind for the rest of the year in Jesus name
- Father, remember your promise never to destroy the whole earth with flood again in Jesus name. Gen 8:20-22
TEXT: Mark 16:15, Mat 4:19
- Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me. Bless His Holy name. Psa 103: 1
- Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
- Thank God for His goodness and mercy over your life and family members,
- Let us give all the glory to God for the reality of the power of resurrection in RCCG mission. Matt. 28:1-4.
- Let us thank God for using let’s Go A Fishing program to populate His kingdom. Acts. 2:37-47.
- Father; give more strengths and anointing for your son Daddy G O as he takes the lead in the programme. Deut.33:25
- Father; empower all the Pastors, Ministers and Church workers, use them mightily in this year “let’s go a fishing”. Josh.14:11; 1Chron.29:12; Josh. 14:9.
- Let us pray for divine visitation during the coming lets go a fishing all over the world. Psa.111:9; Ps.113:9-10; Gen.49:25.
- Let us pray for unprecedented harvest of soul during programme in all locations. Acts 2:41
- 10. Let us pray for power of revival in our lets go a fishing programme to come up with enthusiasm as in the early days when it first stated. Psa 110:3
- 11. Father: renew our zeal; give us labourers, committed workers, who are willing to sacrifice by giving themselves wholly for the work of soul winning. Psa 110:3
- 12.Pray that the soul harvested during the programme will be followed up, discipled and remain
- 13.Father; grant us needed provisions and financial resources for the programme in Jesus name
- 14. Father; give us those fishes carrying the resources and potentials that will take away our reproach into our net in our programme this year. Matt 17:27
- 15. Father; deliver into our net fishes carrying the money for the gospel in Jesus name. Matt 17:27
TEXT: Habbakuk 3:2
For there to be revival in the church of God, the church must become very prayerful. It is only prayers that can bring about the expected TURN AROUND that will make the church stand out in the power of the Spirit.
- Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me. Bless His Holy name. Psa 103: 1
- Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
- Let us bless the name of the Lord. Truly; it has been of the LORD’S mercies that we were not consumed, because his compassions *has not failed us. Lam 3:22 Psa 34:1
- Father; send down the fire of revival in your church again, like the days of old, in Jesus name. Habakkuk 3:2
- Father; awake your church from deep slumber in Jesus name. Isaiah 56:10
- Father let there be fresh fire, fresh anointing, fresh unction upon your ministers in the church in Jesus name. Acts 2:1-4
- Father; give new strengths, new live, new energy to your church at this end time, in Jesus name. Acts 4:29
- Father; release your anointing of healing into your church, let the blind see, let the lame work, let the dumb speak, let the deaf hear and the dead rise in Jesus name. Acts 19:11
- Let us pray that every inherited strange behaviour and habit in our lives working against our personal revival be destroyed in Jesus name. Jeremiah 31:29
- Powers of darkness in (put your country, e.g. Nigeria) working against the revival of the church be destroyed in Jesus name. Daniel 10:13
- Powers of darkness in (put your country) working against the revival of the economy of my (put your country) be destroyed in Jesus name. Daniel 10:13
- Powers of darkness in (put your country) working against my personal and family revival be terminated in Jesus name. Daniel 10:13
- Father; release you power afresh upon your church, such that members will have genuine experience of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues in Jesus name. Acts 2:4
- Father; the secret of power is waiting, release grace to wait upon us until the Spirit be poured from on high in Jesus name. Isa 32:15
- Father, let the gift of the Holy Spirit begin to manifest afresh in churches in (put your country) in Jesus name. 1 Cor 12:4-11
TEXT: Psalms 42
Sing RCCG Hymnal 549, (I am Thine O Lord) meditatively:
Like the children of Issachar, global signs of end-time events require that every heirs of salvation to seek understanding of the time and season we are, in order to be rightly positioned for the imminent coming of the Lord. (1 Ch 12:32) Please let us all reflect on Job 22: 21-30 for a closer work with God and Col 3:1-2 for Personal consecration focusing on things of eternal values
- Meditate on Joel 2:12-32. Pray earnestly for restoration:
- Thank God for answered prayers
- Thank God for successful Holy Ghost Congress 2019
RCCG November 2019 Fasting and Prayer Update
The prayer points or guide for the RCCG fasting for November 2019 has been posted on the Prayer Points Altar website.