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WSF Teaching Outline For September 2022 And Prayer Points

This is the WSF teaching outline for September 2022 and prayer points as released by the Winners’ Chapel international.

Prayer Points Altar learnt that the WSF meeting of the Winners’ Chapel holds Saturday evenings across the world.

READ ALSO: Winners 2022 Personalised Prophetic Declaration

Earlier, this outfit had posted the Winners’ Chapel theme of the month also called prophetic focus for September. You can get details and the books of the month for September 2022 here. 

WSF Teaching Outline For September 2022 and Prayer Points 

The September 2022 WSF teaching outline and prayer points are seen below:

Prophetic Theme: SHOWERS OF BLESSING – Psa. 67:5-7
• When we give God thanks for what He has done, we remind Him of what remains – Lk. 17:11-19.
• For this reason, we must beware of murmuring because it is a proof of ingratitude, breaks the joy of its victim and ultimately destroys the individual – 1 Cor. 10:10/ Joel 1:11-12.
• We must also beware of complaints because they only complicate matters and make them worse – Num. 11:1-3.
(Sat. 3rd Sept. 2022): Understanding the Breakthrough Power of Thanksgiving. – Part 1
Why must we give thanks? It is a debt we owe God – 2 Thess. 1:3.
 Thanking God for What?
• For all His benefits – Psa. 103:3-5.
• For things anticipated – Jhn. 6:6-11/ Jhn. 11:41-44.
 Thanksgiving provokes supernatural breakthroughs – Jhn 6:9-13.
1. Father, thank you for the supernatural wisdom at work in your servant, the Apostle over this Commission in the pursuit of the Mandate since inception – Matt.13:54.
2. Father by the Blood of Jesus, remove any unprogressive label from every aspect of my life – Psa.116:3-4.
3. Father, all through this month and beyond, I declare null and void every operation of the spirit of stagnation, frustration, limitation, opposition, oppression, manipulation – Psa.78:72.
4. Everything that must go for me to move forward, go by fire, in the name of Jesus – Psa.35:26.
5. Father, in the name of Jesus, by the mighty rushing wind of the Holy Ghost, compel the ingathering of record-breaking multitudes into this church tomorrow Sunday – Act. 2:2/6.

(Sat. 10th Sept. 2022): Understanding the Breakthrough Power of Thanksgiving. – Part 2*

Why must we give thanks? It is a covenant platform for our prayers to be answered – Phi. 4:6 / Mat. 6:6-9.
 Thanking God for What?
• For His faithfulness in our lives – Psa. 92:1-3/ 145:8-9.
• For anticipated victory over our enemies – 2 Chr. 20:20-24.
 Thanksgiving triggers supernatural breakthroughs – Jhn 11:40-44.
1. Father, thank You for firing up the zeal of Your House into the heart of every Winner all through this year – Psa.69:9.
2. Father by your mercy, I shall not serve my enemies; my enemies shall bow down to me forever – Matt.18:18.
3. Father in the name of Jesus Christ, separate me and my family members from any person (family relative or friend or contact) that will sow evil seed into our lives or destiny – Matt.25:32.
4. Father, in the name of Jesus, any witchcraft power working against my blessings, be consumed – 1Kgs.13:4.
5. Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree hitch-free movement for all worshippers in and out of church tomorrow Sunday – Ps. 105:13-15.


Sat. 17th Sept. 2022): Understanding the Breakthrough Power of Thanksgiving. – Part 3

Why must we give thanks? It is a covenant platform for supernatural multiplication – Jer. 30:19/ Act. 2:47.

 Thanking God for What?
• For His wondrous works in our lives as we continue to count our blessings – Psa. 78: 40 -72/Psa. 103:1-3.

• For things that we are persuaded of in the Word – Rom. 4:20-21/ 2 Tim. 1:12
 Thanksgiving perfects our blessings – Luk. 17:17-19.

1. Father, thank You for turning all our new converts and new members into active disciples of Christ this year – Jn. 4:29/39.

2. Father, as I praise you, pull down all the strongholds erected against my progress, all through this month and beyond – Psa.7:9.

3. Father, in the name of Jesus, I raise a Holy Ghost standard against every spiritual bottle, spiritual cage, spiritual bag, spiritual padlock and other spiritual containers where my spirit has been locked up by the powers of darkness – Psa.142:3-7.

4. Father, any demonic cage holding my divine possessions all through this month and beyond, break asunder in the name of Jesus – Luk.11:21-22.

5. Father, in the name of Jesus, we come against all interferences of weather before, during and after our service(s) tomorrow Sunday, resulting in the influx of multitudes – Phi. 2:10.

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