Prayers for business breakthroughs with scriptures

73 Great Prayer Points For Business Breakthroughs And Growth With Scriptures

Prayer points for business breakthroughs and growth are essential for the success of a venture that a believer embarks on. Every business endeavour is undertaken for profit irrespective of its nature. But it needs prayers to flourish among other factor

While the success of a business has many factors, for a Christian, it is also essential to offer prayers for business breakthroughs and growth especially when backed up by powerful scriptures.

Doing business can be tasking and at some times; one needs to tap into the supernatural for insight and help on how to navigate it successfully.

If you have been doing great in your venture, you need prayers for more business ideas to help you stand firm. Those who have challenges also need prayers for the restoration of their business.

When you have great business ideas, you are bound to make better sales and see growth in your venture. You also need prayers if the business is new.

That’s why one must make prayers for business growth a priority. You must work and then pray that God’s hands should rest upon your business. That way, there’s room for more customers and business success generally.

So, this post has been dedicated to giving you prayers for business breakthroughs and growth with some Bible verses also included for a complete package.

Prayer Points For Business Breakthroughs and Growth

  1. Father, I thank You for my business. I appreciate You for helping me thus far in this venture. To You, I return all the glory!
  2. Dear Lord, I am committing this business endeavour unto Your hands. Father, by Your mercies, help me in all my dealings in the name of Jesus.
  3. Lord Almighty, I am coming to You today in prayers for business breakthroughs in my venture. Help me, oh Lord of Hosts, to make this business a success in the name of Jesus.
  4. Father, I ask for wisdom to pilot this business and manage all that concerns it. I call upon You today, to give me greater insights to move this business to the next level in the name of Jesus.
  5. My God, by Your mercies, speak breakthrough into my business in Jesus’s name.
  6. I decree over my businesses, that there shall be breakthroughs unlimited in the name of Jesus.
  7. In the name of Jesus, I declare open doors of breakthrough for my businesses.
  8. Every door shut against my business begins to open up now in the name of Jesus.
  9. Today, I decree my business attracts the right people into it in the name of Jesus.
  10. Oh Lord, let Your power of resurrection breathe life into my business in the name of Jesus.
  11. I pray today, that every power of hell set against my business receives God’s judgement in the mighty name of Jesus.
  12. My business shall receive divine helpers and promoters from all around the world in the name of Jesus.
  13. Dear Father, cause there to be a lifting for my business. Let there be open doors for me in the name of Jesus.
  14. As I continue in this venture, I decree I shall not lack helpers at all times! Men would rush to render help to me in the name of Jesus.
  15. As I offer these prayers for business breakthroughs and the growth of my venture, I receive the strength to stay on course and not be distracted in my endeavours in the name of Jesus.

Prayer Points for Customers in Business

Now, let’s continue with more specific prayers for business breakthroughs and growth. This time, it is to pray for your customers. It’s important to do this because, without them, you’re not in business.

The following are some prayers for customers in business:

  1. Father, I thank You for the people you have given me as customers in this business. My prayer for them, as always, is that You shall keep them and continue providing for them.
  2. Dear Lord, I pray for all my customers in business, they shall not lack financially and you will continue to make them prosperous.
  3. Father in the name of Jesus, every plot of the evil one to chase my customers away, I render null and void in the name of Jesus.
  4. Lord, I begin to receive divine wisdom to treat my customers right in the name of Jesus.
  5. Every behaviour and that of my workers that is chasing customers away, today, I ask for Your help in dealing with such in the name of Jesus.
  6. Father, let my business continue to attract the right customers in the name of Jesus. I refuse to have the wrong ones that would cause me issues in the name of Jesus.
  7. Dear Lord, I pray for more wisdom, grace, and insight to continue serving my customers with integrity, and honesty in the name of Jesus.
  8. As I serve my customers, may they continue to get value and satisfaction at all times in the mighty name of Jesus.
  9. Lord, I pray for my customers’ families. Father, I speak peace upon their households in the name of Jesus. Joy and happiness shall never depart from them!
  10. Dear God, may my customers continue to grow in their different professional and business endeavours. They will continue to soar higher!

Prayer Points for Business Leaders

Every business has leaders. It could be a person or two and in some cases, more. Prayers for business leaders become important because these people are the ones who make the decisions. Their actions affect the growth or otherwise of any venture.

Therefore, I will post a couple of prayers for business leaders. If you’re one or need some prayers for those in charge of your business, this is the right place to be:

  1. Lord, I commit the leaders of this business unto Your faithful hands, I ask for the grace to continue to make the right decisions that will lead to more breakthroughs for this venture in the name of Jesus.
  2. Father, I decree wisdom and understanding to lead, upon every business leader. I ask for more insights to take the company to the next level in the name of Jesus.
  3. I speak into the hearts of all leading affairs in this business, may the Lord’s wisdom become overtly manifest in their lives in the name of Jesus.
  4. Father, strengthen the hearts of all business leaders here to be able to make the right decisions in the face of adversity in the name of Jesus.
  5. My Father, I ask for You to instill all leaders in this business with a clear vision. Help them, Lord, even as they make this vision, to bring it to accomplishment in the name of Jesus.
  6. Dear God, instill unto the henchmen of this organisation the wisdom to make the desired decisions that would lead this company to greater heights in the name of Jesus. Bless them with innovative ideas that would reshape the firm and shoot it into higher levels of prominence!
  7. I pray for a compassionate spirit for all leaders of this firm. Dear Lord, may they have empathy and care for the workers and the company’s customers in the name of Jesus.
  8. I ask for strength for all in management or leadership here. Dear Lord, empower them to withstand setbacks and disappointments in the name of Jesus.
  9. I ask for them, the wisdom, to balance work and family life in the name of Jesus.
  10. Father, guide the leaders here. May their hearts align with Your purpose for this company in the name of Jesus. Thank You, Lord, for You are the overall leader of this business!

Prayer Points for More Customers

While a business is in existence, prayers for more customers to patronise it is never out of place. Now, this is where you can get that:

  1. Dear Lord, may this business see more customers in the name of Jesus.
  2. Father, give me great ideas that would bring more customers to this business in the name of Jesus.
  3. Father, I call upon You today to help me to have greater insights on ways to attract more customers and sales for this new business in the name of Jesus.
  4. Heavenly Lord, help my staff with creative ideas that will result in a massive inflow of customers to the company in the name of Jesus.
  5. I pray against every attitude, and plot of the devil that is taking customers away from this business in the name of Jesus.
  6. From today, I declare that this company will continue to have good and buoyant customers in the name of Jesus.
  7. Lord, I pray that You guide us in our marketing efforts. Help us to know the right steps to take that would lead to making sales and customers in the name of Jesus.
  8. Help me in my business to better understand the needs of the customers so I can serve them right and bring others in the name of Jesus.
  9. Lord, help me and everyone working in this place to serve the customers right and give them satisfaction so they become people who would attract others for us in the name of Jesus.
  10. Father, thank You because this business is blessed with returning and fresh customers in the name of Jesus.
  11. I thank You because I trust in You that Your hands of wonder are upon this business and more customers are on the way in the name of Jesus.

Prayers for Good Sales at Work

Having prayed for more customers, this is time to ask God to help You make good sales or service. Let’s get into the prayers for good sales at work:

  1. Father, thank You for the sales I have made so far in this business.
  2. Lord, I commit this business unto Your hands, I ask for divine ideas to make better sales in the name of Jesus.
  3. Dear God, my Your mercies, help me to navigate challenges on my way to making good sales in the name of Jesus.
  4. In the name of Jesus, I decree supernatural insights that would lead to an inflow of more sales in the mighty name of Jesus.
  5. Lord, continually expose me to knowledge and better insights leading to more sales in the name of Jesus.

Prayer Points for Successful Business Transaction

Prayers for business breakthroughs with scriptures

  1. Father, as I engage in this transaction, I ask for Your help to make it a successful one in the name of Jesus.
  2. Help me, Lord, with wisdom to close this deal and make it a successful transaction.
  3. Grant me favour, Lord, in the eyes of my clients. Help them to see my sincerity about this deal so it can be a successful one in the name of Jesus.
  4. Father, I pray for the wisdom to negotiate rightly and make an informed decision about this deal in the name of Jesus.
  5. In this deal, I ask for a smooth and hitch-free process in the name of Jesus. No encumbrance on the way in the mighty name of Jesus.

Prayers to Start New Business

So, if you want to start a new business, here are some prayers you need:

  1. Dear Lord, I thank You for this new business. May Your name be praised!
  2. Father, I speak over this new business. Let Your hands build it and establish it in the name of Jesus! 
  3. I decree over this business, nothing shall be missing and I will get the right customers or clients in the name of Jesus. 
  4. My prayer for this new business is that the Lord will bring in the right persons to help me run it successfully in the name of Jesus. 
  5. I pray, Dear Lord, help me to make the right investment decisions for this new business in the name of Jesus. 

Prayer Points for Business Ideas

Prayers for business breakthroughs with scriptures

It is time to offer prayers for business ideas. Every venture needs ideas to succeed. So, see the following prayer points for business ideas:

  1. Father, open my eyes to see great opportunities to expand this business in the name of Jesus. 
  2. In this business, give me divine insights to know what to do in the name of Jesus. 
  3. Help me, Lord, expose me to the right people with the right ideas that would move my business forward in the name of Jesus. 
  4. I ask for Your grace, Lord. Empower me to make the right decisions that will transform my business into success in the name of Jesus. 
  5. At all times, Lord, give me the grace; give my company the grace to become solutions to the challenges of the world in the name of Jesus. 

Prayer for Restoration of Business

Those whose businesses are struggling, also need prayers for the restoration of the venture as seen below:

  1. Father, I speak over this business. Breathe Your life into it in the name of Jesus. 
  2. Dear Lord, help me with novel ideas to resuscitate this business in the name of Jesus. 
  3. I decree divine life into this business. Every struggle concerning it comes to an end in the name of Jesus. 
  4. Heavenly Lord, help me with the right people who will revive my dead business in the name of Jesus. 
  5. I pray against every decision or counsel that might cause a setback in the restoration of this business in the name of Jesus. 

Declare God’s Favour over My Business

Having made all these prayers for business breakthroughs and growth, it is time to declare God’s favour over it. 

  1. I declare God’s favour over my business. I shall get open doors for this venture in the name of Jesus. 
  2. This business is open for favour in the name of Jesus. I walk in divine favour in this line of business in the name of Jesus. 
  3. Everyone needed to favour this business will have no rest until they do so in the name of Jesus. 

Scriptures for Business Breakthroughs and Growth

It is quite important to have your prayers backed up with God’s word. Here are some scriptures for business breakthroughs and growth that you can use:

  1. For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. (Psalm 84:11; KJV).
  2. By wisdom, a house is built and through understanding, it is established; through knowledge, its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures (Proverbs 24:3-4; NIV).
  3. The labour of the foolish wearieth every one of them, because he knoweth not how to go to the city. (Ecclesiastes 10:15; KJV).
  4. And Joshua the son of Nun was full of the spirit of wisdom; for Moses had laid his hands upon him: and the children of Israel hearkened unto him and did as the LORD commanded Moses. (Deuteronomy 34:9; KJV).
  5. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. (Psalm 1:3; KJV).
  6. And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth. (Genesis 9:1; KJV).

Prayer Points for Business Breakthroughs

So, that’s it: prayers for business breakthroughs and growth. May the Lord hear your prayers! Don’t forget to share the link with others who might need these powerfully-prepared prayers. Aside from the prayers for business breakthroughs, other great prayers are on the site. Click here to see them! God bless you!

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